Women in Thoroughbred Racing NT are still accepting nominations for members to join our fun and hardworking committee!

The Committee are seeking interest to fill the roles of Treasurer, Secretary, and General Member(s), with a keen focus on members with a background in marketing and engagement, and those willing to donate time to committee operations. Committee Members will be elected for a term of three (3) years subject to early retirement or removal, and members may serve consecutive terms.

We are also looking to establish a sub-committee of members who are willing to provide a helping hand at events, but aren’t ready to commit to a full-time role on the commitee. If you think this sounds like you, please reach out via email or in person to any current committee member.

Nominations are due no later than 12 noon Thursday 11 April 2024, and the nomination form can be found here.

Should any position(s) remain open, they are eligible to be filled under casual vacancy provisions.

One of our outgoing Committee Members, Kerry McPhee, has shared her thoughts on our association, and we hope it encourages some new participation